MDDataTransfer documentation By Nicolas Raymond, Jan 27 2015 Revision by David Caouette, November 15th 2016
Revision History
1.1 2016/11/15 - Documentation Revision by David Caouette 2016/11/15 - Updates to configuration program + addtiions : e-mail settings section 1.0 - 2015/01/27 - Original documentation by Nicholas Raymond
MDDataTransfer was created to regroup all of the automations and files transferring under one single service. It consists of two executable, MDDT_Config.exe to configure the transfer(s) and MDDTService.exe which is installed as a service and run the different configurations. Both executable should be in the same directory as the configurations are saved under a sub-directory (MDDTConfig) when created.
This is the configuration window, it consists of:
1 - Transfer type: Import or Export. Import will connect to the ftp, download all available files in the ftp folder and download those files to the Local Folder before running the exe (if configured to run an exe, that is not a requirement). Export will run the exe (if configured to run an exe) then will send all the files in the Local Folder to the ftp folder. IMPORTANT that the exe called from the service does not output any interfaces/message since it is ran in the background and will stall the service while it wait for the execution to end .
2- General Information: This is where is defined the local folder, log file, exe to run, arguments to call the exe with and backup information (backup folder and Keep for X days). Important to note is that the backup will only occur when the Import/Export is finished. After the files are sent, they are copied to the backup folder and deleted from the local folder then the files older than X days in the backup folder are cleared out. Note that the Exe to run has be full path to executable for the service to be able to find the executable on the machine.
3- FTP Information: This is where is defined the information about the ftp to send to/fetch from. The host, username, password and port must be defined to make a valid configuration. The ftp folder is where the files will be sent or fetched from on the ftp server (if not configured, the root folder will be used). In the Folder section, you do not need to repeat the Host name, only the folder where you will be importing from and exporting to. 4 - FTP Type : Specifies what type of FTP protocol to use : Standard : Standard FTP FTPS : FTP with SSL Layer SFTP : SSH FTP 5 - Timer information: This shows the next run time of the configuration along with the interval. Once the service see that a configuration is past due, it will run it and increment the next run time with the interval until it is in the future (so if were Jan.27 and the service is configured to run daily with a next run time of Jan 25 midnight, it will run and then increment the date until it reach Jan 28 midnight for the next run, it won’t run 3 times, only once and increment the next run 3 times). 6 - Transfer type: Specify if the transfer to/from the ftp is to be of binary type (executable files) or ascii type (text files). 7 - Mail information : Specify settings for e-mail server. Confirmation check box : When checked, Sends Confirmation Email of Transfered Files to Sender Address SMTP Server : SMTP Host Username/Password: Credentials for SMTP Host. Encryption protocol : No TLS, Explicit TLS, Implicit TLS, Require TLS Sender Address : FROM Address Receiver Address : TO Address(es) SMTP Port : Communication Port for SMTP Host To be valid and executed all the fields marked with a * must be filled (Local folder, FTP Host, FTP Username and FTP Password). Using the + button, it is possible to create many configurations for the MDDataTransfer to execute. However since the process is done in a single thread, configurations will be ran one after the other (if configured to run at the same time).
The service must be installed (using MDDTService.exe /install) and started before the configurations will be executed. The service should be stopped before any changes are made to the configuration(s) and restarted afterward. The service is listed under “Multidev MDDTService”